Fran Latané is a life-long student of the horse. She began riding at the age of 7, and has been involved as a horsemanship professional since 2008. She was licensed as a Parelli Professional from 2010 to 2016, where she worked with hundreds of horse and rider combinations, and was fortunate to study with many top-notch horsemen, including Pat and Linda themselves, throughout 38 weeks of professional courses.
Outside of Parelli, Fran has gained knowledge and experience in the horse world. As a teen, she studied and competed in dressage, jumpers, and eventers with various local and regionally recognized trainers, and was active in the 4-H horse program. In 2010, She worked as assistant trainer at Heartland Ventures, a world-class Arabian breeding facility in South Dakota where she developed young horses undersaddle.
Now, Fran enjoys riding competitive Eventers, jumpers and dressage, and is passionate about developing her young horses for English sport training through the use of natural horsemanship philosophies. She is also a student at Penn State via their World Campus, pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology, with eventual goals of attaining her PhD in clinical psychology.
Fran has greatly enjoyed her horsemanship journey, and has a passion for sharing the information that she has gained as a student, both of other horsemen and of her horses. Her passion lies in helping horses and humans see each other eye to eye and bring out the best in each other through clear communication, understanding of each-others’ perspectives, and a positive, and progressive attitude.
Josh Lukehart is Fran’s other half, and a wonderful caretaker and animal lover here at LilliCrest Farm. Josh has had horses in his life for 5 years. He has completed all the prerequisites for a Parelli Level 2 pass, and enjoys trail riding, as well as playing with and developing his young Quarter Horse gelding, Taz.
Josh served 4 years in the Marine Corps before moving to Wisconsin. He holds an Associates Degree in criminal justice from Chippewa Valley Technical College, and worked in law enforcement for 2 years before taking a position with Verizon in 2016.
Josh works behind the scenes to make sure all the critters at LilliCrest Farm get exceptional care. If he’s here when you are, be sure to thank him, he makes this place possible for the rest of us!